Swift 3D v5.0 Exports to Silverlight & WPF

Link via Electric Rain

Swift 3DSilverlight XAML Export allows anyone with the Silverlight Player installed on their machine to view your work within an internet browser, just like they would view Flash files using the Flash Player. Swift 3D Exports frame-by-frame animation in the 2D XAML format (simulating 3D effects), which is the language the Silverlight Player understands. These XAML files can also be used in Microsoft Expression Blend, as a design element of a larger Silverlight Project, just as you would import the SWF format or our proprietary SWFT format into Flash to complement a larger Flash Movie or Application.

Swift 3D v5 is available at an education discount price of $118.

Expression Studio 2 is available at an education discount price of $108.

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