Masking Mastery With Viveza for Photoshop

Link via PC World

VivezaIf you’ve ever tried to alter the color and light values of specific areas of a picture, you know it can be a time-consuming, frustrating, skill-intensive task. First, you have to carefully and expertly select the area with a mask. After you make your adjustments to the selected area, you then have to try (often vainly) to make the new edit look like it belongs with the rest of the picture. Nik Software’s Viveza does away with all that with a surprisingly simple, yet very sophisticated interface, giving you full control over color and light within any portion of your picture, without affecting the rest. And the result blends in beautifully with the entire image.

Even for masking masters, Viveza is an irresistible time-saver that delivers high-quality results. For those who don’t have a pro’s skills at masking, it is a tool that can make your pictures look like a pro had a hand at editing them.

Viveza is available at an academic discount price of $135.

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