Pretty Space Pictures with the free Photoshop FITS plug-in

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Hubble Space Telescope FITS image

Once the images are on the ground, scientists can look at them in the FITS (“Flexible Image Transport System”) file format, a standard protocol used among astronomers. For analysis, most scientists use the data in this form—as grey-scale images representing light at different wavelengths.

To create an image suitable for public viewing, the scientists send the FITS files over to a public outreach team. Specialists on the team—who tend to be astronomers with graduate degrees and a passion for graphics and photography—begin the process of converting the information into the images sent out in press releases.

Finally, the colorized images are cropped, rotated to the most dramatic orientation, and cleaned of instrument errors and other unsightly blemishes. Most of this work is done in Photoshop, using a freely downloaded plug-in that allows users to convert from the FITS format. (The original telescope images are also available, so you can create your own color gas cloud picture at home.)

Download the free ESA/ESO/NASA Photoshop FITS Liberator v.2.2 Photoshop Plug-in.

Photoshop CS4 Extended is available at an academic discount price of $299.

Photoshop CS4 Extended College Student Edition is available at a student discount price of $195.

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