An Interview With Luxology’s Brad Peebler

By David Basulto
Digital Media Online

During my trip to Las Vegas last month for the always fun yet exhausting NABshow, my good pal and fellow DMNite, Ko Maruyama, called me on the cell. “Meet me at the Art Beats booth” he said. I hurried over there expecting some great content or an interview with Art Beats folks. That was not to happen. Ko grabbed my arm and said “Follow me we have to meet with Brad Peebler”. Cool. But who is Brad Peebler, I thought. Little did I know I was on my way to meet one of the coolest guys on the planet.
For those not lucky enough to go to NAB let me say this; it’s a pulsing, loud, vibrant arena of the latest and greatest gear for media professionals. Its often difficult to hear someone who is directly in front of your face. Its been sort of a Mecca for me as I love this stuff. So as Ko had me follow him outside the convention center I wondered, where the heck is he taking me?

The awaiting limo was a welcome for the dog tired feet I had. Inside was the man himself, Brad Peebler. Brad is the President and Co-Founder of Luxology. If ever there was a man with a huge charisma yet no obnoxious ego it is he.

The presentation we received about Luxology’s Modo product was outstanding enough for a neophyte like myself to go out and get the awesome 3D modeling software and try it out. What I found out is that Modo is extremely easy to learn and between the support and the ravenous community of users it is easy to get hooked! What we were shown that day was hush hush news about the upcoming Modo 301!

The good news? I was able to get Brad on today’s show to tell us all about Modo 301! That and some really great stories. I hope you enjoy.

DMN Podcast: An Interview with Luxology’s Brad Peebler

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