Pixologic :: ILM Interview

Pixologic :: ILM Interview

Pirates of the Caribbean, Dead Man’s Chest, is a treasure trove of tormenting and tormented sea creatures, elaborately designed and created by the artists at Industrial Light and Magic. Our ZBrush reporters recently talked with some of the artists at ILM to get the bigger picture of how ZBrush contributed to this computer generated feast. Huge thanks and congratulations go to these artists, their crews, and the studio. Geoff Campbell, model supervisor at ILM, Sunny Li-Hsien Wei, artist, Jung-Seung Hong, artist and their crew were faced with a huge challenge: using geometry to create the massive quantities of sea life, sea-based costumes, tentacles, barnacles and other surface details would strike fear in even the most intrepid of visual effects artists. Knowing that they couldn’t resolve their challenge with 2D texture painting artist Sunny Wei turned to ZBrush to see if it could solve some – if not all – of these challenges.

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