SketchUp included in The Best Design Tools for Improving Your Home

Link via Lifehacker

If you’ve got the time to invest, Google’s SketchUp definitely pays you back with precision and customization. In SketchUp, you won’t run into something, like a custom-hung shelf, that’s hard to replicate in ready-to-roll, web-based tools.

  • Strengths: It’s got many of the same 3D and solid object design powers as the commercial software used by engineers, but the interface is relatively easier to learn and get around. If you enjoy mousing your way though Google Earth, you can probably learn SketchUp’s controls without too much pain. Our feature on planning improvements in 3D with SketchUp provides a basic tutorial.
  • Weaknesses: Unless you’re a perfectionist willing to take pictures of your paint, fabrics, and other designs and colors, SketchUp’s visual cues are going to be a rough draft. Even if you do have digital pictures galore as a reference, figuring out how to stretch them across SketchUp’s surfaces isn’t exactly intuitive.
  • Best suited for: Physical projects needing a fairly accurate 3D view, and where color/design play a second-hand role.

Google SketchUp 7 is free.

Google SketchUp Pro 7 is available at a student discount price of $49.

Google SketchUp Pro 7 is free for instructors.

Google SketchUp Pro 7 Lab licenses are available at a school discount price of $15.

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