Using Photoshop to create an Avatar Inspired Matte Painting of Pandora

Link via CG.CreativeFan

Pandora Photoshop

The artworks from Avatar and the visual effects from the film were largely considered some of the highest quality and innovative artworks seen in film up until that point, perhaps rivaled only by Star Wars in terms of their ingenuity and use of new techniques for visual effects. The world of Pandora has inspired many artworks and imaginative interpretations.

In this tutorial, Stas Lobachev will walk you through his creation of “Pandora Afterdark”, a digital matte painting that received a Golden Award and 2nd place in a pre-release competition hosted by You’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of how to develop a concept sketch, work with lighting and color, use references and develop a meaningful artwork with a strong composition and clear message.

Photoshop CS5 Extended Student & Teacher Edition is available for $195.95

Photoshop CS5 Extended Education/Nonprofit Edition is available for $295.95

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