McCain-Obama Mindmap: Helping You Decide Who to Vote For

Link via The Mindmap Blog

The Presidential Election in November will be one of the most important in America’s history. Barack Obama was nominated as the Democratic Presidential Nominee last week and John McCain will be nominated as the Republican Presidential Nominee this week.

With all the convention speeches, television ads, and political talk shows it’s easy to get caught up in the emotion of the campaigns.

But given what is at stake for our country, it is important that we not pull the lever in November based solely on emotion. It is important that we understand “what they will do” if elected. That we understand their plans for America.

I’ve created a mindmap to help you decide which candidate to vote for. All of the content and graphics for the mindmap come directly from their respective websites. I have not added or deleted anything with respect to their policy positions. It is taken verbatim from their websites.

This is a historic election for the 300 million citizens of the United States of America.  Whoever wins this election will shape our country and the world.

Choose wisely.

To view the detailed policy positions for each candidate, click on the Notes icon next to each policy area.

You will need to download the free MindManager Viewer 7 to make the Notes icons active.

Click here to download mindmap.

MindManager Pro 7 is available at an academic discount price of $149.

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