Review: Mindjet MindManager Pro 7.2

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MindManager Pro 7Version 7.2 of Mindjet’s MindManager package, launched in June, has been upgraded since the 7.0 release in 2007, the main thrust being improved remote collaboration support with the ability to access MindManager map files from a Web-based Distributed, Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) server.

WebDAV lets users work on documents on remote servers as if they were local, but there are major restrictions on how maps are saved.

The basic productivity boost theoretically achievable by deploying MindManager is that employees thinking visually allows them to collaborate better if they have a centralised repository containing all the documents, prioritised schedules and thoughts around the goals they are trying to achieve, rather than a linear track and documents distributed all over the place.

This linking and layering of multi-dimensional information, combined with employees’ ability to see the whole plan and be able to drill down to pick up any related documents, again, in theory, should lead to more efficient task management and better project collaboration.

In conclusion, although MindManager requires a different approach to project and planning management, it could give a productivity boost to organisations, especially if employees are able to think beyond the constraints of traditional project and planning applications.

MindManager 7.2 update

MindManager Pro 7 is available at an academic discount price of $149.

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